Watering Guide


Newly planted trees require extra watering beyond what your lawn sprinkler system provides during their first 18 months after planting. You have several options for watering, including using bubblers, drip irrigation, a garden hose, tree gators, or ArborRain bags. When watering, direct the water within the tree well, but avoid watering directly into the drainage pipe that extends above the ground. Each tree planted by Treeland will include a 4-inch perforated drainage pipe extending to the base of the rootball. This pipe is used to monitor soil moisture only. Our delivery crew will water the trees on the day of planting; when and how much you begin watering again depends upon the temperature. Our watering guidelines work in a majority of cases for trees that are 10 gallons and larger; however, by completing soil moisture tests, you can get a more tailored watering program to prevent the trees from being over or underwatered.

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