Celebrating Father’s Day by Looking Back at Treeland’s Humble Beginnings

June 17, 2018

As we think about Father’s Day and all our Dad (Bob) has done for us, we can’t help but reminisce and look back on all of the progress that we have made here at the farm as well. My brother and I are very thankful for the opportunities our parents have given us here at the farm, and it’s all thanks to a determined Father & Mother who are two of the hardest working parents one could ask for.

When the farm first opened Bob was still working 50 plus hours a week as a CPA for Centex Homes in Arlington, then working all weekend at the tree farm.  To this day Bob still works 7 days a week, and it’s almost impossible to get him to leave the farm or take time off. The family likes to joke that it takes an invite to a Mexican Restaurant to get him to leave the farm. His passion and strong work ethic have passed on to Derek and I, and we are honored to be part of the family business.

I often hear customers comment about what a magical place the farm must have been to grow up at. However, when we were younger the farm looked a bit different. The trees have really matured over the past 30 years, so it’s always exciting to look back on the old pictures to see all of the changes. I dug a few out of the old photo album to share with you and took some new ones to compare what it looks like today. What a difference.

Thanks Dad for making the farm such a beautiful place to have grown up at and now to work at. <3 Love you and thanks for all you have done and continue to do for the Family.



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