The Vitex aka Chaste Tree is a crowd favorite for North Texas, and it has one of the longest blooming seasons for flowering trees in Texas. Beautiful lilac purple blooms that are extremely fragrant, adorn the Vitex ‘Shoal Creek’ tree shown below from May to September. The blooms are irresistible to pollinators of all sorts including; bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Vitex are large multi stemmed shrubs that maintain fairly dense, symmetrical and rounded canopies.

Vitex trees do not drop any fruit, there are no known insects that feed on them, they have no known diseases, and they do not require any special soil when planted in North Texas. They can tolerate most soil conditions, provided they are well drained, and will flourish in full sun. The Vitex is also proudly designated as a Texas Superstar Shrub by Texas A&M University.

At Treeland Nursery, we sell the Vitex ‘Shoal Creek’ and Vitex ‘Delta Blue’ varieties. The Vitex ‘Shoal Creek’ cultivar was selected for it vigorous growth habit, large flower spikes and it produces the best lilac purple flowers. The Vitex ‘Delta Blue’ cultivar is known for it’s brilliant bright blue-purple flowers, smaller sized leaves, and it shares the same fast growth rate as the ‘Shoal Creek’.

Vitex trees work in just about any landscape design as long as full sun is permitted. This is a recent installation of ours at The Oaks of Argyle, in Argyle, Texas where a customer wanted to accent behind her pool and hot tub area. The flower petals are not messy next to pools like crape myrtles can be. Right when this was taken the blooms were just preparing, by now it will be lush and full of colorful blooms.

They are a fabulous tree for Texas, and we are even getting ready to plant more around the farm ourselves. If you would like to learn more about the Vitex trees we offer please visit our website, or feel free to call 972.372.4737 or email us at with any questions.
Does the Vitex Delta Blue do well in San Antonio?
Hi Deidra, Since San Antonio lies within Zones 8b and 9a the vitex will do well there. Vitex trees can handle up to zone 9 no problem. – Denise
Do I deadhead this tree?
Hi Sherrie, thanks for your question. Yes deadheading once the flowers die off will help promote new flower growth. – Denise
Hi, I planted my tree a couple of years ago and it has barely bloomed or grown. It actually bends forward so I have a stake in the ground with a thin rope to hold it upright. My husband thinks I planted it too deep. Would this tree survive if I dug it up and replanted it? What recommendations do you have?
Hi Kris, thanks for your question. I would transplant it only once it cools down in Nov-Feb. Also apply some dynamite fertilizer 18-6-8 to it and make sure its planted in a full sun area once moved. -Denise
Thanks Denies!
Is it edible?
Can the leaves or flowers be boiled for a tea?
When is the best time to trim the lower branches?
My mom has a big beautiful one and it smells wonderful. It is also humming with bumblebees.
Hi Katrina! I am actually not sure about the tea question. If you are just cleaning up the lower branches then you can do that anytime. We recommend pruning Dec.-Feb. when its a large tree and you are doing some really substantial pruning. Cleaning up messy trunks is easy on the trees and can be done year round.The pollinators do love them so I am glad your Mom has one too. – Denise
Right now I’m not sure if ours is dead or still alive. When we got it a few years back it looked great with all the green leaves and purple flowers but now it’s just branches. In the winter months is it supposed to be bare? Should I trim up the ends of the branch’s? Thanks.
Hi Theresa, I am sorry that I did not see this comment sooner. If you still have any concerns please email us at and Derek will review your tree pictures and concerns for you.
Can I grow Vitex as a bush?
Thanks, Sharon
Hi Sharon, Yes you can grow vitex as a bush. Some places sell them with the branches kept naturally full at the bottom. If you do find one with some trunks showing, you can just let the new shoots fill in to give you that more bush style. – Denise
We live in the Texas Hill Country, 50 miles from San Antonio. When is the best time of year to plant Vitex trees?
Hi Carol, Thanks for your message. If you are buying container grown then you can plant year round. Just make sure you are not heading out of town for a vacation or anything. More room for human error in the Summer with the watering, but I am always outside and caring for my plants in my gardens. – Denise
Will these vitex trees do well in containers near a pool? I had little gem magnolias who have grown scraggly because I believe they need more room and looking to find something else to plant in these large containers.
Hi Teri! Thanks for your message. I don’t recommend these for containers because they get to 20’x14′ in the ‘Shoal creek’ variety. You might try finding some of the more dwarf varieties that stay a lot smaller at maturity. – Denise
Is there a way to stop the flowering? They are pretty but keep my patio a mess.
Hi Shirley, this is definitely the first request for fewer blooms that I have gotten. 🙂 I understand the mess issue though. Their isn’t a good way to stop the blooms but you might look at having that tree removed and replacing it with something like a tree form Eagleston Holly. – Denise
Hi, love your website. Is there something I can use to make my flowering trees put on a show with more flowers?
I have 2 vitex, 8 crepe myrtles (white and dynamite), 2 Chinese pistache and 2 magnolia gems. What type of fertilizer do you recommend for my flowering trees and my Chinese pistache.
Thanking you in advance.
Hi Alicia, Yes to help give the blooms a boost we always recommend Dynamite Fertilizer (18-6-8 All purpose) and Super Thrive. That will get the trees a boost and make sure to keep watering through trees through the Summer. Sometimes a rain comes through and then the crapes all go wild with blooms. It tells us that the trees were needing more water. – Denise
What is the root system like on vitex? We have a narrow space (54”) between a brick wall and driveway in our courtyard that we would like to plant. Are these roots invasive?
For a narrow space you can always purchase one of the dwarf varieties like the Vitex ‘Delta Blues’ that stay smaller. – Denise